
Hair & Makeup

Wedding Services

Est. 2018

Hair & Makeup Artist Fady

Meet Fady a Parisian with a love affair with hairstyling that started in her family's salon. Growing up surrounded by hair vibes, she felt the call early, inspired by her dad's flair. Her journey kicked off at the Darboy Academy in Paris. Her tour de force includes gigs at big names like Jean Claude Biguine , Frank Rush, Daniel Harlow, and Tony & Guy in London, where she found her groove in creative photoshoots. Miami brought her under the spotlight, thanks to a Model Agency owner who saw her magic. Now a proud New Yorker with 25+ years of making people look fabulous, Fady is more than a hair and makeup artist; she's a beauty whisperer. Down-to-earth and loving every gig that comes her way, Fady is your go-to artist for revealing the beauty that goes beyond skin deep.